Gentil/Nice Guy - Halifax Fringe 2022

Written by Olivier Blais and Marianne "Disco" Labrie

at Neptune Theatre's Scotiabank Stage
  • Masks Required
  • Limited Seating

50 MIN | $10.00 for students, seniors and arts workers, 15$ for general admission

50 MIN | $10.00 pour étudiants, personnes agées et travailleurs des arts, 15$ pour admission générale

Drama | Mature Audiences

Drame | Audiences Adultes

TRIGGER WARNING: Nice Guy contains description of domestic violence and sexual harrassment. It also contains depictions of death, loud noises, and violent behaviour.

MISE EN GARDE: Gentil contient des descriptions de violences domestiques et de harcèlement sexuel. La pièce contient également des représentations de la mort, sons forts, et de comportements violents.


Matt (Olivier Blais) is grieving his father's death as he tries to mend his relationship with his girlfriend Sarah (Zoë Comeau). Except he doesn't really miss his father, and he's struggling to get through to Sarah...which doesn't help when he's visited by a violin-playing stranger (Jérémie Boudreau). Nice Guy/Gentil is a bilingual show, with showtimes both in French and English. It is a satire/drama that explores the perverse effects of domestic abuse, toxic masculinity and misogyny.


Matt (Olivier Blais) est en deuil après la mort de son père alors qu'il tente d'améliorer sa relation avec sa copine Sarah (Zoë Comeau). Mais en fait, son père ne lui manque pas vraiment et il a du mal à communiquer avec Sarah... L'arrivée d'un violoniste inconnu (Jérémie Boudreau) n'arrange pas les choses. Gentil/Nice Guy est une pièce de thétre bilingue avec des performances en français et en anglais. C'est un drame satirique qui explore les effets pervers de la violence domestique, la masculinité toxique et la misogynie.

Written by Olivier Blais and Marianne "Disco" Labrie

Directed by Marianne "Disco" Labrie

Écrit par Olivier Blais et Marianne "Disco" Labrie

Mise en scène par Marianne "Disco" Labrie



Saturday Sept 3rd - 3:40 PM / Samedi le 3 Septembre - 15h40

Thursday Sept 8th - 6:00 PM / Jeudi le 8 Septembre - 18h00

Saturday Sept 10th - 7:05 PM / Samedi le 10 Septembre - 19h05



Friday Sept 2nd - 9:15 PM / Vendredi le 2 Septembre - 21h15

Sunday Sept 4th - 7:20 PM / Dimanche le 4 Septembre - 19h20

Friday September 9th - 7:40 PM / Vendredi le 9 Septembre - 19h05


Access Note: There are two wheelchair seats available at the back row of the Neptune Theatre's Scotiabank Stage. If you require these seats please email  and we will confirm they are reserved for you to purchase.


Halifax Fringe prioritizes accessibility and community care. We require masks indoors to keep each other safe. Together we can make our festival a safer space for everyone, including our immunocompromised patrons, artists, volunteers, and staff. If you forget yours, free masks will be available at each venue. Thank you for your care and support!



Neptune Theatre's Scotiabank Stage

1589 Argyle Street
Halifax, NS B3J 2B2

Find more events at
Neptune Theatre's Scotiabank Stage