I Hear You - Podcast Launch!
Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 2pm
I Hear You Podcast Launch
I Hear You is a limited series podcast featuring honest, real discussions about womxn's lived experiences seeking help from health care professionals on the topic of sexual and reproductive health.
To launch this new 10-episode podcast, host and moderator Bryde MacLean (Turn Me On podcast) will lead a Q+A discussion with local health care practitioners, including alternative and complementary therapists, on the subject of womxn’s sexual and reproductive health. Topics will include pelvic health, what's "normal" vs what's been normalized, and self advocacy. As a guest, you'll have the opportunity to ask the questions that are directly burning, irritating, itching at YOU, and hopefully take home a new or renewed interest and know-how in hearing your own body.
Coffee, tea and snacks will be served! There will be doorprizes and giveaways! Bring a friend and let's get real.
We will be broadcasting LIVE on Facebook and taking your questions, so don't forget to tune in!
A PWYC event! Please RSVP to let us know that you'll be there! All proceeds above the cost of the event will be donated to the Halifax Sexual Health Clinic.
DID YOU KNOW? I Hear You (podcast) was created to compliment a new, cool web series by the same name - I Hear You (A modern medical drama) - produced in Halifax, to be launched in January 2020! Follow these social media pages to stay tuned on the release, and other sweet and helpful info about the topic of womxn's health: